Waldensian Museum – Torre Pellice

Today we are in a very special place for an even more special occasion… A little while ago in Torre Pellice was inaugurated the exhibition “A female heritage: clothes and costumes at the
Waldensian Museum among documents and images”, and I want to take you there to discover this fascinating exhibition.

Here I am at the Waldensian Museum of Torre Pellice (Turin)!

The promoters of the exhibit were so kind that they allowed me to preview it and I assure you that visiting it is absolutely worthwhile: photos, paintings and above all a lot of clothes and accessories to see live!

A collection of bonnets: every girl used to have many of them, because at one time it was a custom to cover the hair while working, in order not to get them dirty… The basic ones were for everyday life, while the more elaborate ones were for festive occasions.

In my visit, I learned so many things that I did not even know! For example, the embroidered bonnets with a sort of wreath used to be worn during weddings, while the smooth, without decorations ones were used in periods of mourning.
D’you remember when I went to see
how to make a bonnet?
…a peculiarity that struck me? Each girl used to have many caps: in a document you can read about a young girl who received as inheritance from her aunt and godmother 18 canvas bonnets for working days and 54 embroidered with lace for holy days!

Did you know that the Waldensian costume, as the one I wear, has been fashionable only by the second half of 1800? Before there were many more and other colors and fabrics…

Many of the information we have today on the traditional Waldensian dress came through the “bundles”, lists of objects that made up the trousseau of the bride and which were the dowry that she would bring in the new home after the wedding.
Usually costumes are handed down in the family, but you can still find some clever
seamstress who knows how to sew it, as I showed you long time ago!

Can you see these dolls? They’ve been in the museum since 1927 and they’re labeled “habillées en Vaudoises et des 18.me 19.me siècles” (ie, dressed as Waldensians from 18th and 19th century)… At the times the costumes were sooo different from nowadays!

and speaking about dolls… Guess who’s in this glass case? It’s me!!! This Valdesina will remain to live here, so if you want to meet her just come at the Waldensian Museum of Torre Pellice, 3 Beckwith street.
The exhibition will run from June 19
th to August 31st (do not be scared of scaffolding outside the building: the facade of the museum is being restored, but the museum is open at the times shown on the site fondazionevaldese.org).

Wow, I feel like a little VIP in front of her doppleganger at the wax museum!

Don’t forget to share your picture at the Museum with the hashtag #almuseoconvaldesina!

How to get here:
reach the village of Torre Pellice along the Provincial Road 161. Turn right in Valdo Street and reach the pedestrian zone on your left (Beckwith Street), in the so called Waldensian Quarter.

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