Happy XVII February!

The bonfire at Stallè hamlet
The bonfire at Stallè hamlet
There's a nice warmth here!
There’s a nice warmth here!
The rain didn't stop me and a lot of people who came and celebrated around the bonfire!
The rain didn’t stop me and a lot of people who came and celebrated around the bonfire!
The bonfire commemorates every year the “Lettere Patenti”, the document signed by Savoy king Carlo Alberto which gave civil rights to Waldesians
The bonfire commemorates every year the “Lettere Patenti”, the document signed by Savoy king Carlo Alberto which gave civil rights to Waldesians
The bonfire, called "freedom pyre", symbolizes the harmony between different cultures and different faiths
The bonfire, called “freedom pyre”, symbolizes the harmony between different cultures and different faiths

Do you want to read the tale in Italian ?

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