How is the Waldensian costume made? – special

12 February 2016

Hi guys, nice to see you again! As you know, in a few days it will be February 17th and, as usual, this year as well in the Waldensian Valleys the anniversary of the granting of civil rights through the Letters Patent, which took place in 1848, will be celebrated. Since I already told you […]

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Special: Who are the Waldensians?

13 February 2015

Hello guys, welcome back! Our daily adventure is going to be a bit special, ‘cause I want to talk to you about the Waldensian movement and about the celebration that will be commemorated next Tuesday… On February 17th, in fact, all of Waldensian communities, in particularly in the valleys near Pinerolo, celebrate an important religious […]

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Stallè – Luserna San Giovanni

14 February 2014

Good morning, my friends! Today’s walk is gonna be very special: for the first time since we started our adventures together, we are in a place where… history has yet to happen! Yes, kids… you got it right… Today we are at Stallè hamlet, between the towns of Angrogna and Luserna San Giovanni in Pellice […]

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