Barma Mondon – Villar Pellice

18 January 2019

Hello! Today I’d like to show you a really curious place that I visited this summer in Pellice Valley: we are in a place called “Barma Mondon” (named after the owner of the land), in the municipality of Villar Pellice, above Bessè township. What’s there to see? First of all such a beautiful landscape! …moreover, […]

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Legend: the misterious ointment – Villar Pellice

20 April 2018

Hi guys! Ready for a new story today? A young man used to go and meet up every evening with two sisters, until one winter day they told him that the next evening they would not be home… the boy, intrigued by the girls’ sudden commitment , went secretly to the sisters’ house and spied […]

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The barma d’Aout Fairies – Vallone degli Invincibili, Villar Pellice

9 September 2016

Hi there! Today I’m back in high Pellice Valley because I want to take you to a famous place that once used to be the fairies’ home. We are at Barma d’Aout, and under this kind of rock many people found refuge: shepherds, partisans, and, even earlier, the Waldensian rebels that took up arms and […]

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How is the Waldensian costume made? – special

12 February 2016

Hi guys, nice to see you again! As you know, in a few days it will be February 17th and, as usual, this year as well in the Waldensian Valleys the anniversary of the granting of civil rights through the Letters Patent, which took place in 1848, will be celebrated. Since I already told you […]

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Legend: The burned nappies – Charmis, Villar Pellice

25 October 2013

Hi there! My dear children, are you ready for a new tale of witchcrafts? Today we are at Charmis, a hamlet of Villar Pellice, where it is told that time ago strange events happened… In this small group of houses, where all of the inhabitants used to know and respect each other, the members of […]

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