Tribulet – Luserna San Giovanni

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Hi there! Are you OK? Today we are in the tiny village named Tribulet, upstream the Gianavella (we’ve already been there, d’you remember?), the house which belonged to Giosuè Gianavello and which he used to live in. In these houses, located on the mount known as “The Outlaw’s mount”, Giosuè Gianavello and his mates sometimes […]

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Bealera Peyrota – Angrogna

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Hi there! The place we are at today is certainly precious to all of the people from Angrogna and Luserna who are following our walks, ’cause today we’re gonna talk about a river that has kept company with them for many, many years. Today we are at the first step of a long way alongside […]

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Legend: the girl of Pontevecchio – Luserna San Giovanni

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Hello guys! Today we are at Pontevecchio, a location halfway between Rorà and to Luserna San Giovanni in Pellice Valley; it takes its name from the bridge built over the river Luserna (the Englich for “Pontevecchio” is “Old Bridge”). This place is (sadly) known because of a bloody battle which took place here on 1944, […]

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Cestel – Bobbio Pellice

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Hi there! Today I am about to tell you a story in which history and legend mix up together. Unfortunately – I have to warn you from the very beginning – this story does not have a happy ending… We are just past the small town of Bobbio Pellice, in a little hamlet known as […]

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The Beckwith fountain – Angrogna, Martel

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Hello kids! Today we are about to visit a very special fountain… it is located at Martel, a hamlet of Angrogna village. The fountain you see in the picture has always gushed fresh and clear water. Even in periods of hard drought, like it happened – for example – in mid-nineteenth century, this fountain still […]

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Legend: The burned nappies – Charmis, Villar Pellice

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Hi there! My dear children, are you ready for a new tale of witchcrafts? Today we are at Charmis, a hamlet of Villar Pellice, where it is told that time ago strange events happened… In this small group of houses, where all of the inhabitants used to know and respect each other, the members of […]

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Sibaud – Bobbio Pellice

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Hi there! Today we are in a place full of history… We are at Sibaud of Bobbio Pellice. You have to know that in 1686 and 1687, after harsh persecutions, oppressions and brutalities, survived Waldensians from the valleys were forced to face a hard choice: to abiure, deny their faith and convert to Catholicism or […]

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Legend: the wolf and the goat – Rorà

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Good morning kids! Today I’m going to tell you a funny story which seems to have happened in Rorà (a small town in Val Pellice) in mid-19th century. It is told that, at the time, the front door of the small Catholic chapel of the village did not close properly, especially when the wind blew. […]

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Martinai – Angrogna

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Welcome back, guys! All this strolling made you thirsty, right? Well, I’m thirsty as well… Don’t worry, kids, I know a fountain flowing cold and refreshing water!!! …here we are! This small village is called “Martinai”, and they say this is the most abundant source of water in the whole valley. The fountain takes its […]

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Gianavella – Luserna San Giovanni

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Hi guys! Today we are in a place once called “Liorato” which is very famous thanks to a legendary Waldensian hero: the person we’re going to talk about today is Giosuè Gianavello. Giosuè Gianavello, whose real name was Giosuè Gignous, was born in 1617 into a Waldensian family that moved to Luserna from Bobbio Pellice. […]

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